Tim Breithaupt’s competitive edge is his innate ability to connect with his audiences, supported by his twenty eight years of sales training experience. His delivery style is referred to as “enter-train-ment” a lively blend of sales logic, simplicity and humour.
With a Commerce Degree from Ryerson University, coupled with thirty five years experience in the business community, Tim delivers real-world wisdom to foster a level of sales confidence that will boost sales results to exciting new levels.
As founder and president of Spectrum Training Solutions, Tim has worked with numerous [companies](/clients) sharing his unique formula of sales success with thousands of professionals.
Tim authored his first sales book, [Take This Job & Love It;](/tims-book) The Joys of Professional Selling that reached Canadian Bestseller status within a year of publication. Take This Job & Love It assists people to become confident and passionate and thus more effective in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Take This Job & Love It has rare endorsements from notable authors such as David Chilton (The Wealthy Barber), Jay Conrad Levinson (Guerrilla Marketing) and Brian Tracy (Advanced Selling Strategies).
Tim is a professional member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS). He was the 2003 recipient of the “Speakers Mastery Award”. As a leading expert in the area of sales development, Tim has been published in local, national and international publications.
As avid skiers, Tim and his family make their home in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He was a member of the Canadian Ski Patrol, earning Rookie of the Year in 1990, and presented with the Canadian Lifesaving Award in 2000. His latest accomplishments are skydiving and rock rappelling.
[Tim invites you to watch his Video](https://youtu.be/racFNPLDUbY)