Building Confidence
Building Sales

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Synchronized Selling: The Art of Win-Win


  • Develop and enhance the attitudes and skills necessary to generate self-motivation, stimulate positive change and increase sales productivity.
  • Reduce selling cycles by identifying and understanding how to confidently navigate through the entire sales process.
  • Gain customer commitment with every sales call by learning to be flexible and adapting to different selling situations.
  • Increase the frequency of qualified presentations.
  • Double close ratios: Shift a 20% ratio to 40%.
  • Increase sales by 15 – 20%.
  • Generate higher selling prices and higher profits.
  • Provide a very quick return on investment.
  • Share ideas and experiences with other sales professionals.


Day One

Welcome and Introduction
Identify Personal Learning Objectives: What’s in it for me?
The Sales Effectiveness Triangle: Three Ingredients of Success
Six Types of Customers
Attitools of Success: Pillars of Success
Setting Goals: Daily Destinations
Planning and Preparation: Measure Twice – Cut Once
Sales Call Objectives: Two Types
Features and Benefits: What Are They?
Selling What Customers Buy
Effective Bridging: Differentiate Yourself
Account Classification: Banish the “Goof” Customers
Prospecting: Stimulate Real Growth
Effective Cold Calling: Net Growth
End of Day Quiz
Wrap Up and Review
Identify “Keepers”
Homework Assignment

Day Two

Review of Day One: Exercise
Introduce Customer Behavioural Styles
Review the Four Styles and Adapt
Build Long-term, Loyal Relationships
The PSIP Approach: Four Steps to Opening the Call
Effective Probing: Peel the Onion
Three Types of Probes: Conversational Selling
Needs Analysis: Identify Customer Conditions of Satisfaction
Price Objection: Friend or Foe
The Value Formula: Selling a Competitive Price
How to Differentiate: Customers Buy Differences, not Similarities
Confirm: Close the Sale: How and When
Three Ingredients of a Yes
Is It No or Know?
Effective Follow Up: Foster Long Term Loyalty
Wrap Up and Review
Identify “Keepers”
Develop Personal Action Plan
Happy Hour


Calgary Alberta


Spectrum delivers the competencies of professional selling to stimulate sales effectiveness. Throughout the program, Tim lends his thirty years of selling and managerial experience to position real-world selling strategies. Success goes to those who can synchronize their selling agendas to the customer’s buying agenda. Group discussions, workbook exercises, facilitation and humour are utilized to maximize retention.

PART I Pre-course Analysis

Through one-on-one consultation, Spectrum identifies personal learning objectives of each participant prior to the seminar. It is important for the facilitator to appreciate individual needs and selling challenges in order to tailor the seminar.

PART II Synchronized Selling Seminar

This two-day program fosters the essential attitudes and skills necessary to foster the confidence to close more sales, more often at higher prices. The Sequential Model of Professional Selling is introduced, identifying how to confidently navigate through the entire sales cycle. Each of the steps – from having the right attitude to following up with customers after a sale – offers practical techniques for professionals.

Attitools: Sales professionals require a complex array of skills – attitude is one of these proficiencies. Attitude is what drives the practice of skills. Pillars of success include:

Take Action
Set Goals
Stretch Comfort Zone
Planning & Preparation: Planning is the most overlooked selling skill and yet it is the cornerstone to a successful relationship. Good preparation ensures readiness to perform.

Prospecting: Effective prospecting is the backbone to a successful business. Techniques for finding qualified prospects, including cold call strategies, are identified.

Building Rapport & Trust: Participants learn how to identify and deal with the different personality types. By utilizing the behavioural identification skills developed in the seminar, the representative can quickly reduce tensions and develop a comfortable rapport with the customer.

Discovery: Customer satisfaction begins with a thorough diagnosis of the customer’s needs and expectations. Learn how to sensitize yourself to the customer’s needs.

Needs Analysis
Effective Bridging
Listening Tips
Probe Architecture
PSIP Opening Strategy
Presenting the Solution: Nothing bores a customer faster than a well-rehearsed, scripted presentation. The objective is to inspire potential customers to take action, motivated by the benefits of the solution. Key ingredients of an effective presentation are explored as well as strategies in dealing with price objections.

Confirming the Sale: Confirmation simply means creating a shared sense of enthusiasm to do business, then exercising the power of asking.

Follow Up: Effective follow up after confirmation and successful negotiation means going that little bit extra for the customer.

PART III Personal Consultation

One-on-one consultation is available for each participant after the training seminar to address any issues that require clarification or further explanation. No questions are left unanswered. This consultation is designed to be specific to the learner’s needs. A sound understanding of the Synchronized Selling skills is a prerequisite to effective implementation.

PART IV Follow-up Seminar

This one-day,optional follow-up seminar takes place 60-90 days after the initial two-day training. Reinforcement of the Synchronized Selling material is the focus throughout the day with an introduction of new skills and techniques. There is opportunity for discussion on success stories, questions and concerns.

PART V Voluntary Support Program

Ongoing follow-up and reinforcement is critical to maintaining a high level of proficiency. Within two years of graduation, all graduates are invited to attend any future open Synchronized Selling session on a complimentary basis.


Two-day, Synchronized Selling Program (includes reinforcement resources and seminar workbook) $1,200 per person. Max class size is 15. Min size is 5.

Please note that GST and associated expenses are extra. Associated expenses include travel, accommodation, training venue, catering and taxes.